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Wharf Borer (Nacerdes melanura)

Wharf Borer (Nacerdes melanura)

Wharf Borer

The insect is called the 'wharf borer' because the larval stage of this insect is often found on pilings and timbers of wharf buildings, especially along coastal and estuary areas where timbers supporting piers and jetties are prone to attack. Adults do not feed and depend on stored energy reserves accumulated during the larval stage. They are considered to be a pest because they damage wood used in building infrastructures.

Adult beetles vary in length from 7-12mm and are rather soft in texture. Mature larvae are about two to three times longer than the adults and are a light brown to cream in colour. The mandibles of the larvae are dark brown, darkening to black at the tips.

The female of this beetle will lay eggs in any damp, decaying timber, which has been attacked by fungus. The development time from egg to adult is about 12 months, and adults tend to emerge around June to late August in the U.K.

The beetles and larvae can be controlled by using a broad spectrum residual insecticide or insecticide dusting powder approved for crawling insects. In addition however it will be necessary to eliminate the rotten wood and decrease the humidity through improved ventilation.

Products to control Wharf Borer:

Dual Purpose Timber Treatment

Dual Purpose Timber Treatment PRO D156 (1L)
A concentrated fungicide/insecticide timber treatment, for prevention and treatment of woodworm and to give protection against rot.

Wood Wood Lignum

Wood Worm Lignum PRO Treatment I62.5 (1L)
A professional concentrated product containing an insecticide to eradicate and prevent attack by wood boring beetles.